Karif Battle, founder of Theoretical Fiends LLC, took a picture of him and Cisco lounging. A small grey kitten rests in the lap of a disgruntled writer.

Mad Sad Glad


The need to eat is starving me.


This writer of code and prose is dead tired.


So today, I'm folding my arms and watching Ghost Dog for the 27th time.


Knowledge Knowledge.


Yea yea when I consume more than I produce, every fiber of my being screams, "Get up."


But that can kiss my grits with butter and a dash of sea salt.




I've been grinding for 3 years straight as the carrot rots away in front of me.


So today, I'm gonna admire the work of other Muse disciples, eat cake and be a lemming.


Oh yea, say hi to Cisco. My tiny pain in the arse that I love more than most.


Now what was I saying? Oh yea.


And if tomorrow comes, I'll get back to click-clacking for C.R.E.A.M while sharing stories with the world ‐ before the bomb drops.